The Brain and Language Lab at Georgetown University, directed by Michael Ullman, investigates the biological and psychological bases of first and second language in normal and disordered children and adults, and the relations between language and other cognitive domains (primarily memory, music and motor function). The lab's members test their hypotheses using a set of complementary behavioral, neurological, neuroimaging (ERP, fMRI) and biological (genetic, endocrine, pharmacological) approaches. They are interested, first of all, in the normal acquisition and processing of language and non-language functions, and their neurocognitive variability as a function of factors such as genotype, hormone levels, sex, handedness, age, and learning context. Second, they investigate the breakdown and recovery of language and non-language functions in a variety of disorders, including Specific Language Impairment, autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and aphasia. For more details on the Brain and Language Lab, please see
We are seeking a full-time Research Assistant/Lab Manager. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of projects, using a range of methodological approaches (see above). S/he will have primary or shared responsibility for various aspects of research and laboratory management, including a number of the following (depending on aptitude and experience): creating experimental stimuli; designing experiments; running experiments on different subject groups; performing statistical analyses; writing papers; helping manage the lab's computers; managing undergraduate assistants; and working with the laboratory director and other lab members in preparing and managing grants and IRB protocols. In general, s/he will work closely not only with Dr. Ullman, and with other RAs, PhD students, and postdocs in the lab, but also with our collaborators at Georgetown and other institutions.
Minimum requirements for the position include a Bachelor's degree (a Master's degree is a plus), with a significant amount of course-work or research experience in at least two and ideally three of the following: cognitive psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, and statistics. The following are *highly desirable*: experience with Windows, Linux, programming, and statistics. A strong math aptitude is a plus. The candidate must be extremely responsible, reliable, energetic, hard-working, organized, and efficient, and be able to work with a diverse group of people.
To allow for sufficient time to learn new skills and to be productive, candidates must be available to work for at least two years, and ideally for three. The successful candidate will be trained in a variety of the methods and approaches used in the lab, including (depending on the focus of his/her work, and ongoing lab projects) statistics, experimental design, and neuroimaging methods. The ideal start date is late spring or early summer 2011. Interested candidates should email Kaitlyn Litcofsky (at their CV and one or two publications or other writing samples, and have 3 recommenders email her their recommendations directly. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The position, which includes health benefits, is contingent upon funding. Georgetown University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
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