Growing out of the success of the Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC) we founded the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) in 2010. The goal of the Society is to foster progress in understanding the neurobiological basis for language via the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, and organizing the annual meeting is a major part of this effort.
We are happy to announce that we have now established the mechanism for becoming a member of the Society and we would like to invite you to join. The benefits of membership include free access to post to the Society newsletter (coming soon), reduced annual meeting (NLC) registration fees, the ability to sponsor an abstract to NLC, Society nomination and voting rights, the ability to apply for travel awards (watch for future announcements), and of course the prestige of being an official SNL member.
We have established a membership dues structure, which will help pay for the costs of the annual meeting (registration doesn't cover the entire cost): Regular member, $100; Post-docs, $50; Students, $25. However, you will be able to sign up now, and for the next week or two, without having to pay your dues. We will ask you to pay your dues later if you plan to submit an abstract to the meeting. Membership will be renewable annually.
To register follow this link:
If you visit the SNL website ( you will note that we have no logo. We would like one. So, we are holding a LOGO CONTEST. The winner will receive free registration for the 2011 annual meeting, so start thinking about your designs! More details on how and when to submit will be provided soon.
-Greg Hickok on behalf of the SNL Board:
Chair: Gregory Hickok, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, USA
Treasurer: Cynthia Thompson, Ph.D, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Secretary: Murray Grossman, M.D., Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Meeting Liaison: Laura Menenti, Ph.D., University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Chair-Elect: Marta Kutas, Ph.D., The University of California, San Diego, USA
Treasurer-Elect: Vincent L. Gracco, Ph.D., McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Secretary-Elect: Stefan Heim, Ph.D, Institute of Medicine Research Center Juelich, Jülich, GermanyMeeting Liaison-Elect: Manuel Carreiras, Ph.D, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, San Sebastian, Spain
Past Chair: Steven L. Small, Ph.D, M.D., University of California, Irvine, USA
Past Treasurer: Jeffrey Binder, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Past Secretary: Howard Nusbaum, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, USA
Past Meeting Liaison: Pascale Tremblay, Ph.D., University of Trento, Trento, Italy
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