Talking Brains turns one year old today. We posted our
first entry May 16, 2007 unashamedly self-promoting our own Nature Neuroscience paper. Since then, we've posted 158 more on topics ranging from job opportunities to mirror neurons (plenty on THAT, and more to come!) to the scientific review process to David's nightlife preferences. Oh yeah, and a few posts on the functional anatomy of language. We decided to try blogging to see if it might be an interesting forum for dialogue about issues in our field. I had expected readers to comment quite a bit once we got rolling. Turns out, it's more of a monologue. But judging from our hit counts over the year, it seems we are doing something that at least some people find worth looking at, so I guess we'll continue...

Speaking of birthdays, here's a picture of me with a pretty creative birthday cake given to me by my lab a few years ago.
I've been enjoying this blog, though I've only been reading for a few weeks. If you're looking to increase readership, you might try joining ResearchBlogging.org! (I'm not involved with them, just a fan).
Sorry Greg, the lab made TB blog the new default homepage on all the UCI library computers, so that's why the traffic looks so high. Just kidding! K
Your blog is excellent, you obviously put a lot of work into it and it is much appreciated. Please keep going! I read it regularly, but haven't commented before today. I'll make sure to do so in the future.
Your blog is great! I do enjoy reading both the blog and the studies that you refer to.
Happy birthday! =)
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