Thursday, March 20, 2008

Philadelphia Naming Test on-line + Research positions in Phily

Via Myrna Schwartz...

Dear colleague,

We invite you to access and download the Philadelphia Naming Test (PNT) at The PNT is a 175-item picture naming test developed at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) for the psycholinguistic exploration of lexical access in nonaphasic and aphasic speakers. On the web site you’ll also find instructions for administering and scoring the PNT, relevant references, and contact information in case of questions.

Also, MRRI is recruiting for an Institute Scientist engaged in research in this area. For more information about the position visit

Finally, if you haven't browsed the NCRRN web site (, I encourage you to do so and to to sign up for future email postings. (NCRRN stands for "Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Network", a collaboration between researchers at MRRI and University of Pennsylvania).

Feel free to forward this email to all interested colleagues.

Best wishes,

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