The goal with these readings to determine whether aphasics have "semantic" deficits that are, or can be, modality/language specific. In other words, is there any evidence to support the Hickok/Poeppel claim that the posterior MTG region is performing a sound-to-meaning mapping function? My prediction is that it should be possible to find aphasic patients who have semantic deficits in language comprehension and production, but do much better with say visually presented stimuli. Or are semantic deficits in aphasia amodal?
Goodglass H, Baker E.
Semantic field, naming, and auditory comprehension in aphasia.
Brain Lang. 1976 Jul;3(3):359-74.
Gainotti G, Miceli G, Caltagirone C.
The relationships between conceptual and semantic-lexical disorders in aphasia.
Int J Neurosci. 1979;10(1):45-50.
Caramazza A, Berndt RS, Brownell HH.
The semantic deficit hypothesis: perceptual parsing and object classification by
aphasic patients.
Brain Lang. 1982 Jan;15(1):161-89.
Butterworth B, Howard D, Mcloughlin P.
The semantic deficit in aphasia: the relationship between semantic errors in
auditory comprehension and picture naming.
Neuropsychologia. 1984;22(4):409-26.
Hart J Jr, Gordon B.
Delineation of single-word semantic comprehension deficits in aphasia, with
anatomical correlation.
Ann Neurol. 1990 Mar;27(3):226-31.
Chertkow H, Bub D, Deaudon C, Whitehead V.
On the status of object concepts in aphasia.
Brain Lang. 1997 Jun 15;58(2):203-32.
Goodglass H, Wingfield A, Ward SE.
Judgments of concept similarity by normal and aphasic subjects: relation to
naming and comprehension.
Brain Lang. 1997 Jan;56(1):138-58.
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