Tuesday, March 14, 2017

RESEARCH FACULTY POSITIONS at the BCBL- Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain)

RESEARCH FACULTY POSITIONS at the BCBL- Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) www.bcbl.eu (Center of excellence Severo Ochoa)

The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) together with IKERBASQUE (Basque Foundation for Science) offer 3 permanent IKERBASQUE Research Professor positions in the following areas:

-Language acquisition
- Any area of Language processing and/or disorders with advanced experience in MRI
- Any area of Language processing and/or disorders with advanced experience in MEG

The BCBL Center (recently awarded the label of excellence Severo Ochoa) promotes a vibrant research environment without substantial teaching obligations. It provides access to the most advanced behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, including 3 Tesla MRI, a whole-head MEG system, four ERP labs, a NIRS lab, a baby lab including eyetracker, EEG and NIRS, two eyetracking labs, and several well-equipped behavioral labs.  There are excellent technical support staff and research personnel (PhD and postdoctoral students). The senior positions are permanent appointments. 

We are looking for cognitive neuroscientists or experimental psychologists with a background in psycholinguistics and/or neighboring cognitive neuroscience areas, and physicists and/or engineers with fMRI or MEG expertise. Individuals interested in undertaking research in the fields described in http://www.bcbl.eu/research/lines/ should apply through the BCBL web page (www.bcbl.eu/jobs). The successful candidate will be working within the research lines of the BCBL whose main aim is to develop high-risk/high gain projects at the frontiers of Cognitive Neuroscience. We expect high readiness to work with strong engagement and creativity in an interdisciplinary and international environment.

Deadline June 30th

We encourage immediate applications as the selection process will be ongoing and the appointment may be made before the deadline.

Only senior researchers with a strong record of research experience will be considered. Women candidates are especially welcome.
To submit your application please follow this link: http://www.bcbl.eu/jobs applying for Ikerbasque Research Professor 2017 and upload:
  1. Your curriculum vitae.
  2. A cover letter/statement describing your research interests (4000 characters maximum)
  3. The names of two referees who would be willing to write letters of recommendation

Applicants should be fluent in English. Knowledge of Spanish and/or Basque will be considered useful but is not compulsory.

For more information, please contact the Director of BCBL, Manuel Carreiras (m.carreiras@bcbl.eu).

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