Friday, March 21, 2014

Graduate Student or Post-doctoral Fellow with Dr. Deryk Beal – Neurodevelopment of speech motor control

Supervisor: Dr. Deryk Beal

Dr. Deryk Beal, principal investigator and founder of the Speech Neurogenetics Laboratory at the University of Alberta, invites applications for a WCHRI ( funded position in the areas of developmental cognitive neuroscience, speech motor control and their related underlying genetic contributions.
Dr. Beal is interested in advancing our understanding of the genetic and neural contributions to speech motor control in typically developing children and adults as well as children and adults with developmental stuttering and other motor speech disorders. My laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art data acquisition systems, analysis software, and full access to the Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre.
Dr. Beal was awarded an innovation grant from the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute to support a PhD student or Postdoctoral Fellow. The Speech Neurogenetics Laboratory provides a rich and multidimensional advanced graduate or post-graduate training program as it is positioned within the Centre for Neuroscience, Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research and Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Collaborators on current projects span the University of Alberta, Boston University and the Nationwide Children’s Hospital at the University of Ohio.
The candidate will be expected to oversee genetic family aggregation, neuroimaging and behavioural motor control experiments as well as to analyze behavioural and functional and structural MRI and DTI data, prepare manuscripts for publications and participate in conferences. There are many very strong opportunities for meritorious-based authorship.
The successful applicant will have a master’s or doctoral degree in a field related to cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, psychology, developmental psychology, medicine or speech pathology. Individuals with a background in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering or computer science also will be considered. The candidate should be able to work efficiently, independently and diligently. The candidate should also possess excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills and enjoy working as part of a diverse and energetic interdisciplinary team. Applicants are expected to have a strong research background in the design and statistical analysis of brain-imaging experiments and/or motor control and learning experiments. Programming skills (MATLAB, C++; Python) and experience with at least one of the neuroimaging analyses programs (SPM, FSL, Freesurfer, ExploreDTI) are strongly desirable.
Approximate start date is Spring/Summer 2014. Successful candidates will participate fully in the activities of the laboratory including regular supervisory meetings, laboratory meetings and journal clubs.
For consideration please send a statement of interest, a CV and a list of three potential referees via email to Deryk Beal, PhD ( The search will continue until the position is filled.

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