Friday, May 4, 2012

Two Positions - MARCS Institute, Univ of Western Sydney

Ref 453/12:

Career Development Fellowship in Multisensory Processing (Behaviour based methods), MARCS Institute

MARCS Institute is a vibrant interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. MARCS is located on the Bankstown, Campbelltown, Kingswood and Parramatta Campuses.

MARCS is seeking to fill a Career Development Fellowship in Multisensory Processing (Behaviour based methods). The successful applicant would be involved in experimentally-based research investigating multisensory processing involving behavioural methods, including the development of experimental protocols and specialised analyses, e.g., Bayesian approaches, motion tracking analysis.

Eligibility: To apply for this position you must have recently completed a PhD qualification in cognitive psychology or cognate discipline and are required to submit a research and scholarly activity plan.

Importantly, we seek an energetic, forward thinking, dynamic, and innovative scholar to take on this Career Development Fellowship. The successful applicant is expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation, an excellent research background in the area of cognitive psychology and multisensory processing, the potential to win competitive research income, and an excellent publication record.

Fixed term for a period of two years with the possibility for a further fixed term appointment of two years (subject to satisfactory assessment).

The position will be based on the Bankstown campus.

Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $101,761 to $120,078 p.a. (comprising Salary $85,989 to $101,538 p.a., 17% Superannuation and Leave Loading).

Position Enquiries: Professor Christopher Davis, on (02) 9772 6855 or

Closing Date: 17 June 2012

For a copy of the Position Description and information on how to apply, go to


Ref 454/12:

Career Development Fellowship in Multisensory Processing (Brain based methods), MARCS Institute

MARCS Institute is a vibrant interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. MARCS is located on the Bankstown, Campbelltown, Kingswood and Parramatta Campuses.

MARCS is seeking to fill a Career Development Fellowship in Multisensory Processing (Brain based methods). The successful applicant would be involved in experimental based research investigating multisensory processing involving behavioural and functional image-based, e.g., EEG/ERP/fMRI or neuro-activation methods and development of experimental protocols.

Eligibility: To apply for this position you must have recently completed a PhD qualification in cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, and/or cognitive psychology and are required to submit a research and scholarly activity plan.

Importantly, we seek an energetic, forward thinking, dynamic, and innovative scholar to take on this Career Development Fellowship. The successful applicant is expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation, an excellent research background in the area of cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, and/or cognitive psychology, the potential to win competitive research income, and an excellent publication record.

Fixed term for a period of two years with the possibility for a further fixed term appointment of two years (subject to satisfactory assessment).

The position will be based on the Bankstown campus.

Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $101,761 to $120,078 p.a. (comprising Salary $85,989 to $101,538 p.a., 17% Superannuation and Leave Loading).

Position Enquiries: Professor Christopher Davis, on (02) 9772 6855 or

Closing Date: 17 June 2012

For a copy of the Position Description and information on how to apply, go to

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