Multiple Research Assistant/Fellowship Positions
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Maryland, College Park, is looking to fill up to three full-time positions for post-baccalaureate researchers. Starting date for all positions is summer or fall 2009. Salary is competitive, with benefits included. The positions would be ideal for individuals with a BA degree who are interested in gaining significant research experience in a very active lab as preparation for a research career. Applicants must be US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents, and should have completed a BA or BS degree by the time of appointment. Previous experience in linguistics is required, and relevant research experience is preferred.
Applicants may request to be considered for all positions. Review of applications for all positions will begin immediately, and will continue until the positions are filled. For best consideration, completed applications should be received by April 21st.
Position #1: Research Assistant in Psycholinguistics/Cognitive Neuroscience
This person will take a leading role in research projects in psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience of language. The person will be involved in all aspects of the design, testing and analysis of studies of language comprehension in adults, using behavioral and neuroscientific techniques, including ERP and MEG brain recordings (training provided). The person will also play a key role in the management of an active lab group and will contribute to Maryland's new IGERT training program in "Biological and Computational Foundations of Language Diversity". Previous experience in linguistics and/or psycholinguistics is preferred. The ability to interact comfortably with a wide variety of people (and machines) is a distinct advantage. The position is for a one year initial appointment, with the possibility of extension beyond that time. For more information contact Dr Colin Phillips,, (301) 405-3082.
Positions #2-#3: Baggett Research Fellowships 2009-2010
One-year Baggett Fellowships are full-time positions intended for individuals with a BA or BS degree who are interested in gaining significant research experience in an active interdisciplinary environment before pursuing graduate study in some area of linguistics or cognitive science. One or two fellowship positions are available for the 2009-2010 year. Salary is competitive, with benefits included.
Applicants for all positions should submit a cover letter (outlining relevant background and interests, including potential faculty mentors), a current CV, and the names and contact information for 3 potential referees (letters are not needed as part of the initial application), and a writing sample. Fuller details at All application materials should be submitted electronically to Jeff Lidz ( NOTE: Put "Baggett Fellowship" in the subject line. Prospective fellows should fel free to send a preliminary letter of interest to Dr Lidz or Dr Phillips.
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab is a well-integrated community of over 40 faculty, students and research staff, engaged in research on a wide variety of areas of language, ranging from acoustics to semantics, in children and adults, normal and disordered populations, and covering around 10 languages. The lab has facilities for behavioral testing of infants, children and adults, two eye-tracking labs, an ERP lab and a whole-head MEG facility. The lab is affiliated with the Department of Linguistics and with the Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program.
The University of Maryland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunities Title IX employer. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
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