Leave it to our good friend Sheila to make you feel like an unproductive schmuck. Sheila she been a major figure in the neuroscience of language for decades, doing seminal work on aphasia, speech perception, and more recently using fMRI to understand language organization in the brain. She also found the time to serve as Dean, Provost, and President at Brown University. I was Googling the "lexical effect" in speech sound perception, on which Sheila has done some relevant work in the past, and came across no less that six papers by Sheila and colleagues in 2008! To my disgrace, I had not seen any yet, but all look interesting. I've got some reading to do...
Congratulations Sheila!
Bilenko, N. Y., Grindrod, C. M., Myers, E. B., & Blumstein, S. E. (2008). Neural Correlates of Semantic Competition during Processing of Ambiguous Words. J Cogn Neurosci.
Grindrod, C. M., Bilenko, N. Y., Myers, E. B., & Blumstein, S. E. (2008). The role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in implicit semantic competition and selection: An event-related fMRI study. Brain Res, 1229, 167-178.
Hutchison, E. R., Blumstein, S. E., & Myers, E. B. (2008). An event-related fMRI investigation of voice-onset time discrimination. Neuroimage, 40(1), 342-352.
Myers, E. B., & Blumstein, S. E. (2008). The neural bases of the lexical effect: an fMRI investigation. Cereb Cortex, 18(2), 278-288.
Ruff, I., Blumstein, S. E., Myers, E. B., & Hutchison, E. (2008). Recruitment of anterior and posterior structures in lexical-semantic processing: an fMRI study comparing implicit and explicit tasks. Brain Lang, 105(1), 41-49.
Yee, E., Blumstein, S. E., & Sedivy, J. C. (2008). Lexical-semantic activation in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia: evidence from eye movements. J Cogn Neurosci, 20(4), 592-612.
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