Friday, October 24, 2008

Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society

This is a new organization/conference that looks really interesting. This year's meeting is January 9-10 in Tucson. I've already marked my calendar and plan to go. See you there! A note from the organizers is below.


Mark your calendars!

The 3rd annual conference of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS; formerly the Auditory Cognitive Science Society) is scheduled for Friday-Saturday January 9-10, 2009 on the campus of the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ). This conference is designed to bring together researchers from psychoacoustics, neuroscience, speech perception, speech production, audiology, speech pathology, psychology, linguistics, computer science etc. to discuss topics related to the perception of complex sounds such as speech and music.

The conference is free and open to everyone*. The talks are organized to provide plenty of opportunity for interaction and exchange.

More details (topics, speakers, location, etc.) will be forthcoming soon. Be sure to check out the ACNS website periodically for updates. For now, please put a note in your favorite digital or analog calendar. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact either of us.

*Please note that CEUs will not be available for this year's attendees.

Andrew & Julie

Andrew J. Lotto
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
University of Arizona

Julie M. Liss
Department of Speech & Hearing Science
Arizona State University

1 comment:

David Poeppel said...

This looks potentially very interesting. I am also planning to go -- I am supposed to give a talk, so I better ...

Maybe a place/time for a Talking Brains party?