Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Post-Doctoral Fellow to Study Neural Mechanisms of Language Recovery after Stroke - Johns Hopkins

Position available soon for a full-time research post-doctoral fellow, preferably in the field of speech-language pathology or cognitive neuroscience, to take primary responsibility for collection and analysis of data for a study of the neural mechanisms underlying language and cognitive recovery after stroke.  This project would entail collaboration with a post-doctoral fellow in the area of motor recovery to longitudinally study patients either at Johns Hopkins or via an innovative Stroke Treatment And Recovery van (The STAR Car), equipped with devices for evaluating both motor and language/cognitive recovery via tablets, fNIRS, tDCS, robotics, etc. Patients who are able to come to the hospital will also have longitudinal functional fMRI.  The position would provide an opportunity to work with an outstanding and diverse group of collaborators in the Stroke Cognitive Outcomes and REcovery (SCORE) lab (PI: Argye Hillis, MD, MA), including four other post-doctoral fellows, two faculty, 4 research speech-language pathologists,  full-time research assistants, and students in various levels of training.  Additionally, we collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of investigators in the Sheikh Kalifa Stroke Institute at Johns Hopkins, which consists of the Centers for Excellence in Stroke Detection and Treatment (Directed by Dr. Argye Hillis) and Center for Excellence in Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation (Directed by Dr. Preeti Raghaven) and investigators at the Bloomberg School of Health Department of Biostatistics.  Finally, we collaborate closely with C-STAR, the Center for the Study of Aphasia Recovery, supported by a P50 grant from NIDCD, with Julius Fridriksson, PhD, Dirk Den Ouden, and Chris Rorden (University of South Carolina), Leo Bonilha, MD, PhD (Medical University of South Carolina), and Greg Hickok, PhD (University of California, Irvine), to provide new insight regarding the mechanisms and facilitation of aphasia recovery.  The position would allow training and experience in multimodality structural and functional imaging and integration with behavioral performance for brain mapping and tracking recovery.  

The environment at Johns Hopkins is extraordinarily collaborative across disciplines and departments. Our research relies on the exceptional interdisciplinary collaborations across departments (Radiology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) in the School of Medicine and across schools (the Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Dept. of Cognitive Science, and the Kirby Functional Imaging Center).  There are outstanding resources available and an environment that supports leadership in innovation, scientific integrity, and intellectual curiosity. 

The post-doctoral position would require a commitment of two years, but could be extended for a longer period. It will also require a driver’s license and travel to patient’s homes for evaluation (with at least one other investigator). Experience in fNIRS and/or fMRI analysis would be favored.  For further information, contact Argye Hillis, at or 410-812-6716. Salary is commensurate with training and experience. The start date is flexible.



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