Thursday, August 22, 2019

Professorship to run MEG Center in Frankfurt

The Medical Faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Brain Imaging Center, invites applications for the following position as public employee, starting at the next possible date:

Professorship (W2) for Magnetoencephalography

The successful candidate is expected to represent this subject in research and teaching. The holder of the position will be the scientific head of the Magnetoencephalography Unit (275-channel CTF MEG system) at the Brain Imaging Center (BIC). The BIC pursues research on the structure and function of the human brain. It is based on a cooperation between the Goethe University, the Max Planck Institute of Empirical Aesthetics, and the Ernst Strüngmann Institute.

The professorship will strengthen the MEG-related scientific focus of the BIC. Prerequisite for the application is a university degree, doctorate and habilitation or proof of equivalent scientific achievements. The candidate is expected to have an excellent scientific record with international publications and successful acquisition of grants in the field of magnetoencephalography. The applicant is required to cooperate with and support the research of the other member institutions of the BIC, and further neuroscientific research groups located at the university or other research centers. Participation in general duties, as well as in university academic self-administration, is expected.

The salary for the position is based on “W2” on the German university scale, including performance bonuses that are object of negotiation. Goethe University is committed to increasing the proportion of female faculty and therefore especially encourages women to apply. Applications of scientists from abroad are explicitly requested. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration. For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see:

Researchers with an excellent record in research and teaching are invited to submit their application in English or German according to the guidelines of the Faculty of Medicine at Goethe University (preferably as a single PDF document, including a CV, publication list, information on third party funding, a list of teaching activities and a framework for future research at Goethe University Frankfurt) until 23 September 2019 to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, Goethe University Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main or via e-mail to: Application documents will not be returned after the procedure has been completed.

For application guidelines, please see:

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