Wednesday, October 24, 2018

BCBL Post Doc on neurocomputational basis of language learning and statistical learning

The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language – BCBL- (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) is offering a postdoctoral position focused on neurocomputational basis of language learning and statistical learning, as part of ERC-funded research project (PI: Ram Frost).

The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of researchers studying the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying statistical learning and language learning from behavioural and computational perspectives. Work undertaken related to this position will contribute to integrating these different perspectives in an explicit neurocomputational framework.

We are interested in candidates with strong computational expertise, particularly in the domain of computational linguistics/neural networks /connectionist modelling / deep learning. Candidates should be proficient in python programming. Use of distributed computational techniques (parallelization on GPUs or CPUs) is an asset. Applicants able to demonstrate such computational expertise will be considered from the cognitive sciences, broadly construed, including psychology, computational linguistics, computational neuroscience, computer science, machine learning, and cognitive science.

In addition to strong computational skills, the successful candidate will demonstrate a high level of independence, and a strong publication record. As part of a broader ERC-funded statistical learning research program, the candidate will also have the opportunity to interact with and (if desired) complete research stays at related research groups at the BCBL, the Hebrew University, and the University of Toronto, so as to better integrate the computational models with related behavioural and neural data.

Deadline: December 15th, 2018.

To submit your application please follow this link:, applying for Computational Postdoc 2018_02 and upload:
  1.  A curriculum vitae.
  2. A cover letter/statement describing your research interests (4000 characters max).
  3. Two reference letters submitted directly by the referees through the outline system.
 For more information about the specifics of the position, please contact Ram Frost ( and for broader information about the BCBL please contact Manuel Carreiras (

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