ACNS 2009 Tucson, AZ
Integrated Learning Center (ILC) on the University of Arizona campus
Room TBA
The University of Arizona will be hosting the 3rd annual Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS, formerly ACSS) conference on January 9-10, 2009. The conference (co-organized by U of A and Arizona State University) will be a two-day event, taking place on Friday and Saturday. The conference is FREE and open to all!
Invited Speakers include Doctors:
- Tom Christensen, University of Arizona
- Michael Dorman, Arizona State University
- Greg Hickok, University of California-Irvine
- Lori Holt, Carnegie Mellon University
- Julie Liss, Arizona State University
- Andrew Lotto, University of Arizona
- Bob Lutfi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Edwin Maas, University of Arizona
- Andrea Pittman, Arizona State University
- Brad Story, University of Arizona
- Arty Samuel, State University of New York-Stony Brook
- Lynne Werner, University of Washington
- Bill Yost, Arizona State University
Topics to be discussed include the perceptual/cognitive/motor foundations of child speech development, a comparison of audition and vision, and the processes and constraints in auditory learning. Each session will conclude with a group discussion or more aptly put, a period of time to “shoot your mouth off.”
Posters: If you are interested in submitting a poster abstract, please see the guidelines provided below or visit the ACNS 2009 Meeting Webpage for a link to a printable version.
ACNS 2009 Abstract Submission Guidelines
This year we will be accepting a limited number of posters to be displayed during the ACNS Conference. Acceptance criteria include the following:
The research to be presented is pertinent to the domain of Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience.
The methodology of the work is sound.
Work in progress will be in presentable form by the time of the conference.
Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words (not inclusive of graphs, figures, or references) and include the following components:
Statement of the Problem
Study Design and Method
Results and Interpretation
Please email abstracts, including author names and affiliations, to no later than Monday December 1st, 2008. Details regarding poster size and format will be provided at the time of acceptance notification.
Registration: We will be asking those who plan to attend this year’s conference to RSVP on our new registration page (link soon to come on the ACNS Webpage!). Attendee numbers are necessary in order for us to reserve rooms at local hotels. Please note that CEUs will no longer be offered to ACNS conference attendees.
Hope to see you in January!
Andrew Lotto & Julie Liss
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